Member-to-Member, Inc. is a fund created by Northwestern Rural Electric Cooperative Assoc., Inc. in 1985 that helps members keep their electric bills paid. M2M donations come from Northwestern REC's employees, members and events such as the annual M2M Golf Outing.

Members must be referred by Northwestern REC before they can apply for M2M funding. No more than $300 per year can be awarded to a member who qualifies. After receiving a referral from Northwestern REC, members can apply for M2M at various agencies.

Donations to M2M are received in several different ways. Members can enroll in Operation Round UP, in which monthly electric bills are rounded up to the next dollar amount. The extra change is then donated to the fund. Members can also return their Capital Credit Checks as well as send in single donations. Checks are made payable to: Member-to-Member, Inc.

M2M is a hand-up, not a hand-out.